We can help homeless people

By Lyric Rogers

Homelessness, you know the word, but do you actually know it?

The matter of homelessness is no joking matter, the numbers of people living on the streets is always rising, and has been rising rapidly in recent years.

Minneapolis is no exception. We have our fair share of homeless neighborhoods and friends.

When you see a homeless person, what do you think? It’s probably along the lines of “Well, they’re poor.” Or something like “Well, their financial choices led them there.”

But in all honesty, why does it matter how they got there? All that matters is that they are, and we can help them.

How, you may ask?

It’s simple. Give them what they need the most. Here comes the huge, million dollar question. What do they need most?

That’s why we turn to the homeless population and ask them as a collective people.

If you’d like to learn more about homelessness, please watch the Youth Community Journalism live show on Aug. 2, from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. CT on Minneapolis public access TV channel 75 on Comcast.

The youth community journalists team that is part of the Youth Community Journalism Institute at the Strong Mind Strong Body Foundation will be interviewing key stakeholders that deal with homelessness in their communities and day to day lives.






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